Passively Q-switched DPSS Lasers

Passively Q-switched DPSS Lasers

Keywords: DPSS, passively Q-switched, Q-switching, 266nm, 213nm, 355nm
Sep 24, 2020 View: 1062 Data Sheet

Pulsed lasers from the IR to the deep UV ranges of the spectrum are widely used in biology, biomedicine, chemistry, analytics, micromachining and environmental technology. We provide passively Q-switched laser systems (DPSS) emitting at wavelengths of

STC Series Passively Q-switched Solid State Lasers

1. 266nm UV Passively Q-switched Solid State Lasers

  • STC-MPL-F-266/ 0.1~3uJ/ 1~10mW

  • STC-MPL-Q-266/ 0.1~3uJ/ 1~30mW

  • STC-MPL-Q1-266/ 10uJ/ 10mW, Fixed rep. rate 1kHz

  • STC-MPL-C-266/ 0.1~10uJ/ 1~30mW, Pulse width 1ns @1kHz

  • STC-MPL-N-266/ 0.1~10uJ/ 1~120mW, Pulse width 1.3ns

  • STC-MPL-W-266/ 5~30uJ/ 50~600mW

2. 355nmUV Passively Q-switched Solid State Lasers

  • STC-MPL-F-355/ 0.1~15uJ/1~100mW

  • STC-MPL-Q-355/ 0.1~15uJ/1~150mW Pulse width 1.3ns

  • STC-MPL-N-355/ 0.1~90uJ/ 1~800mW

  • STC-MPL-W-355/ 25~80uJ/ 400~2000mW

3. 532nm Green Passively Q-switched Lasers

We offer diverse of Q-switched 532 nm lasers in passively modes. With pulse width in short nanosecond, and single pulse energy up to 450mJ. Are the perfect choice for the end user applications in research, medical and industry. Nanosecond lasers perform precision processing with excellent material removal rates for microelectronics, materials processing, and medical device manufacturing.

passively Q-switched DPSS lasers


  • Scientific Research

  • Life Science & Medical

  • Materials Processing

  • Microelectronics

  • OEM Integration

ModelSingle pulse energyRepetition ratePulse width (ns)
STC-MPL-III-5321-5 μJ1-20 kHz~5 (1.3 optional)
STC-MPL-T-5321-10 μJ0.1-15 kHz~0.5
STC-MPL-SU-5325-40 μJ1-15 kHz~1.3/ ~4
STC-MPL-H-5325-50 μJ1-30 kHz~5 (1.3 optional)
STC-MPL-U-53220-60 μJ4-12 kHz~4 (1.3 optional)
STC-MPL-N-53250-125 μJ1 k-15 kHz~5

4. 1064nm IR Passively Q-switched Lasers

We offer diverse of Q switched 1064 nm lasers in passively modes. With pulse width from 1.3ns to 150ns, and single pulse energy from 1uJ to 20J. These lasers are the perfect choice for the end user applications in research, medical and industry. Nanosecond lasers perform precision processing with excellent material removal rates for microelectronics, materials processing, solar and medical device manufacturing.

dpss laser


  • Life Science & Medical

  • Materials Processing

  • Microelectronics

  • OEM Integration

ModelSingle pulse energy/ PowerRepetition ratePulse width (ns)
STC-MPL-III-106410-20 μJ1-20 kHz~3-25 (1.3 optional)
STC-OEM-P-10641-20 μJ1-20 kHz~1-5
STC-MPL-T-10641-35 μJ0.1-20 kHz~0.5
STC-MPL-H-106420-100 μJ1-30 kHz~10 (1.5 optional)
STC-MPL-SU-106420-200 μJ1-15 kHz~1.5/ ~1.8/ ~5
STC-MPL-FL-1064-A15-130 μJ1-70 kHz~5 (1.3 optional)
STC-MPL-N-1064150-200 μJ1-15 kHz~3-5 (<2 optional="">
STC-MPL-FL-1064-B150-300 μJ1 kHz~2 (1.0 optional)

Please contact us for more detailed specifications on the above lasers.

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